Open rivers in high places, Fountains in the midst of valleys: The wilderness now a pool of water, and the Desert Place springs of water.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

OF..... BEAUTY IN BASKETS 2....: Sister in waiting

Ex 2:4; And his sister stood afar off, to know what would be done to him. NKJV

You are just getting a hold of the idea of MUMMY's new baby and the fact that you are now a Big sister. Filled with the promises of what kind of big sister you will be to your younger brother, you follow mummy to the river, perhaps holding Baby's new basket that you closely watched mummy make. As you reach the river, mummy starts to cry and you have no clue as to why.....Then to climax it all, Mummy asks you to watch after the baby as she places him in the river, at the bank within the reeds.. Mummy, didn't baby bathe already?!!

Have you ever wondered what went through this girl's head? Have you ever been in the place where you were learning to get a hold of something new and now it has to go... Fine let it go BUT can't i at the least Know why?... Mummy in tears, Daddy probably in fear and you just a "seer"..... So many questions.. seemingly distant answers..

The birth of something new always brings joy BUT when the time of its departure appears sooner than you were ready for, most times you won't comprehend why it had to be so. Have you been left in charge of something that seemed to be failing, falling or getting out of hand and all you can do is stand a far off to see what will become of it? Could it be a relationship recently started, a business recently commissioned, an idea infant in its birth?.... Now you have to remember always going to "feed it while it was in Hiding"...... or telling all those around you about it... Perhaps changing your status and display picture too........ Now mummy can't explain and daddy looks on in vain yet all you can do is STAND AND LOOK FROM AFAR OFF.....

With so many questions and seemingly but a few answers we journey into the uncharted territories that the life under the sun offers us. Not knowing what we ought to do nor what direction we need to take..Are we patient enough to Stand and look from a far off whether we be in Pain, sadness, anger, despair.."add one".. for the beauty that lies in the basket has one that watches over it and He desires a greater end..... Waiting comes with its own challenges... but how we wait is root deep.. we can only continuously grow there in.

Whine or Dine, Myth or Wish... Find rest My soul ... There is one greater than all and none stands tall, The Great I am.

Coming Soon...... Oasis 3

Thursday, 24 March 2016

OF..... BEAUTY IN BASKETS.... Fineness In Hiding

Ex 2:1-3; Now a man of the house of Levi married a Levite woman, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him for three months. But when she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile.

I love to meditate on scripture with particular reference to the stories of the Patriarchs paying so much attention to their birth, their weaknesses, inadequacies and How God chose to use them. 

This morning I consider Moses, Does his Birth relate to anything i can resonate with??.... yes, Beauty in a basket...... The excerpt from exodus tells us that When his mother saw he was a Fine child... she chose to hide him..... Could the mother have been opened up to more than met the eye? or was this Fineness of an ordinary kind?.... So many Questions so few answers. True?

Everything in its infant stage is vulnerable. Right from a relationship to a business, an idea, a ministry name it.. However, it gets even worse when the external environment demands that the infant be killed. Have you ever been a part of something new? Whether or not you can see the end of that thing, it has a form of beauty and looks like the finest piece you will be apart of...... BUT what happens when you cant let it out because the life therein won't be sustained?!

I picture a young man whose business idea feels ripe in his head and yet raw as he goes to bed, a young lady who has recently encountered love and feels of a gentle dove... There is Beauty in the thought and yet we all know that this may be but a quote. So we go into hiding, we hide it all away from the roughness of the external world because its longevity seems more certain where we can see it and less certain in the place where it actually is meant to be.

When fineness wont be hidden no more, Shall we make a basket? Shall we prep ourselves to let the vulnerabilities of infancy be the seed that springs forth into the ever abounding fruit of growth and continuous improvement? ...... So she picks up her papyrus and  coats it (i like the NKJV which says she daubed it... " as in a carelessly rough or liberal way").... Yes she was scared, No she didn't want to let go.... This is Moses we are talking about just so you remember. .... and PUT the child in that basket and laid it in the reeds by the river bank... If i would share in what she felt, perhaps my mind runs to failure, fear...... When you have to let go of that which you love and held onto for so long..... BEAUTY IN THE BASKET... What was in my arms, now by the river bank....

If i could keep you, i would BUT to have you die in my arms, i rather that fate decide your way.

To be continued........