Open rivers in high places, Fountains in the midst of valleys: The wilderness now a pool of water, and the Desert Place springs of water.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

OF... MEN and MIS-TAKES... Thoughts and Things PART 2

Ex 2:12-13
 So he looked this way and that way, and when he saw no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.~ NKJV

As i read this verse, a quick question that came to mind was,,, WHAT ARE YOU BURYING IN THE SAND? As i posed to meditate and reflect on this, many more questions kept coming... When i am trying to sort things out on my own and they turn out in a different way from what i expected, Do i bury them somewhere??The Moses Scene looks simple to some but join me as i try to expound on this very word and see it come to life, The word made Flesh...

Was it easy for a prince to dig up a hole and hide some one in the sand?? I pictured it like one of the movie scenes ... Couldn't he have been sweating?  Could he have kept watching how many people passed by the scene just in case some one passed by and noticed something strange? what about the people with whom this Egyptian lived, didn't they wonder where he was that time they didn't see him?? .... However the biggest thought that comes to mind is what did Moses think after this?? Maybe he thought it was Over, he would slowly deal with all the Egyptians and bury them one at a time....So many questions but seemingly different answers to them all.

Do u ever bury things in the sands to hide them or perhaps to get rid of them? Do you ever make mistakes and when you realize no one but you knows it, you dig a hole in the sand and just shovel them away. Too much work in the relationships around you and so in the confines of your mind you kill them, dig pits, throw them in and silently re-echo the phrase... "THAT PERSON IS DEAD TO ME?" .... So much happens in the mind. I often cant help but thank God all that "kavuyo" (raucous) is only availed to him to search out as he deals with us.... BUT what happens when that very thought we had, matures into a thing..... We had our plan straight and thought dealing with one thought and hiding it in the sand would solve the crises we had before and here we are CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE.

As i read through this scripture i realized that Moses actually gave time to this thought, he seemed to have planned it at a certain point and ensured that he seized the opportunity when the Egyptian was left alone .... What was a thought became a thing and perhaps by burying him away, what started as simple seed was now manifested as complex fruit

Do you have dead men walking around you? Men that you could have killed in your mind maybe because of the hurt and pain they caused you.... OR could they be weaknesses that you hate to admit and yet slowly the stench of the corpses buried in the sands of your mind continues to haunt you... Often times i catch myself walking away like nothing happened because I believe i am strong enough BUT am I?? ....... When thoughts are given a fertile environment, they take root in the soils of our minds and these eventually become the fruit that later on manifest as Things...... How i pray that these things be ones that build and not destroy, ones that shade abroad light  and not deepen the darkness around me..... God remains faithful to his work in you and I..... Patience!! 

Gen 4:6-7; So the Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen?IF YOU DO WELL, will you not be accepted? And IF YOU DO NOT DO WELL, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it." ~NKJV

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